Beauty & Hair, Skincare

What’s better for Aging Skin? Copper Peptides or Retinol?

Copper peptides and retinol are both popular skincare products known for their potential anti-aging effects. Both products can be game changers in the skincare routine, especially for those of us looking to reduce the visible signs of aging. If seeking the best results, it’s important to know if these products can be used together and if so, how. Let’s dive into a bit about each product and how to best use synergistically. 

Different Mechanisms of Action

  • Copper Peptides: Copper peptides are compounds that contain copper ions and small protein fragments called peptides. They help stimulate collagen production, promote wound healing, and have powerful antioxidant properties. Copper peptides can also assist in skin regeneration and repair.
  • Retinol: Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A and works by binding to retinoid receptors in the skin. It promotes skin cell turnover, boosts the production of collagen, and improves skin texture. Retinol also helps reduce the signs of aging including fine lines and wrinkles and can enhance skin’s overall radiance.

Similar Benefits but Different 

  • Copper Peptides: Copper peptides are known for their ability to enhance skin healing and repair processes. They have anti-inflammatory properties while improving skin elasticity, and promoting the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two building blocks for youthful-looking skin. Copper peptides may also offer antioxidant protection, guarding the skin from free radical damage and oxidative stress.
  • Retinol: Retinol is extensively backed by research for its anti-aging benefits. It can minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Retinol also improves overall skin tone and texture, unclogs pores, and can be effective in treating acne. Additionally, it stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, which helps the skin retain moisture and maintain a plump, youthful appearance.

Side Effects and Tips for Applying

  • Copper Peptides: Copper peptides are generally considered safe for most people, but some individuals may experience mild irritation or allergic reactions. It’s important to patch test any product containing copper peptides before applying it to your entire face.
  • Retinol: Retinol can cause skin irritation, redness, dryness, and flaking, especially during the initial stages of use. It can also increase sensitivity to the sun, so it’s crucial to use sunscreen during the day. Individuals with sensitive skin may need to start with a lower concentration and small amount to build up tolerance. Avoiding the eye area is also recommended as this skin is thinner and more easily irritated. 

Who Are These Right For

  • Copper Peptides: Copper peptides are generally well-tolerated by most skin types, including sensitive skin. They can be used by individuals with dry, oily, or combination skin. Copper peptides are often found in serums, creams, masks and even pillowcases! I personally use the Biossance Squalene and Copper Peptide Rapid Plumping Serum in my AM routine or on days I am taking a break from my prescription retinoid. 
  • Retinol: Retinol is suitable for most skin types, but individuals with dry or sensitive skin may need to be cautious and use a lower concentration or a milder form of retinol. It is commonly found in serums, creams, and oils. There are some fantastic options of lower concentration retinols available over the counter. I highly recommend Cerave Retinol and use this on my neck and chest as it is very gentle yet effective. For my face, I use a prescription tretinoin that I have gradually worked up to using.

Can I Use Copper Peptides with Retinol?

The answer is probably. These products can absolutely work synergistically in your anti-aging routine, but you’ll likely want to alternate the time and days of use to avoid skin irritation. Ideally, applying copper peptide serums during your morning routine is optimal as these skin-care products present less risk of sun sensitivity. Applying retinol during your nightly routine will lessen risk of heightened sun sensitivity and irritation. Both products can present irritation challenges for sensitive skin types, therefore it’s best to add these products into your routine gradually and monitor your skin’s tolerance.

Both of these products positively affect the issue of collagen breakdown, which is something that rapidly increases as we age. By stimulating collagen synthesis, overall skin health and appearance improves. 

My Routine with Copper Peptides and Retinol

First and foremost, a reminder that effective skincare is a long game and results aren’t seen overnight. Thanks to a consistent routine using research-backed products, I can honestly say I have better skin in my 40’s than in my mid to late 30’s. I strive to get the best out of both products so here is my daily routine balancing the two: 

AM Routine: 

Apply Biossance Squalene and Copper Peptide Rapid Plumping Serum to the face, next and chest after shower and before moisturizer and sunscreen.

PM Routine: 

Apply prescription retinol to face. Apply over the counter Cerave Skin Renewing Retinol Serum to neck and chest. These areas do not tolerate the prescription retinol well. 

*Any nights I am taking a break from retinol, I’ll use the Copper Peptide serum as well if my skin is not irritated. If irritated, I use only moisturizer and give it a rest. 

Beauty & Hair, Skincare

Which Lasts Longer, Dysport or Botox?

While Dysport and Botox have been used for many years and have been studied extensively, the duration of their effects can vary from person to person, and there is some variability in the research findings. Additionally, clinical trials and studies often focus on specific spots, such as the forehead area, making it challenging to provide a definitive answer regarding which one truly lasts longer.

What is Dysport?

Dysport came on the scene soon after Botox but was used primarily in Europe and other countries outside the US. It was approved by the FDA in 2009 for the treatment of the vertical lines between the eyebrows, often referred to as “elevens”. Dysport works in a similar manner as Botox, but has smaller molecules making it one of the best options for treatment of larger surface areas and severe wrinkles. 

What is Botox?

Botox is the brand name trademarked by its manufacturer, Allergan. The scientific name for what makes up Botox is botulinum toxin type A. This is a toxin made by bacterium clostridium botulinum, the bacteria attributed to the foodborne illness, botulism. 

You might be questioning how something that can cause botulism is really safe to inject into your body. Due to the very small doses used in botox injections, it is proven to be safe for cosmetic use and variety of medical uses. 

How Do Botox and Dysport Work?

Botox and Dysport are similar in that both contain the active ingredient, Botulinum Type A. Once injected into the neuromuscular tissue, these injectables obstruct nerve signals, causing temporary muscle weakness of those targeted muscles. The key differences between Dysport and Botox are their formulation and areas they are approved to treat within the United States. 

Dysport contains smaller molecules which means more units are needed to treat the same area as Botox, but it also means that Dysport disperses faster. That translates into fairly immediate results whereas Botox can take up to one week to see full results. Due to this faster dispersement, Dysport is a great option for treating larger areas with Botox achieving better results for smaller areas. Dysport injections are only approved for treatment of glabellar lines whereas Botox is approved for treatment of crow’s feet, the forehead wrinkles, glabellar lines and even excessive sweating. 

Which Lasts Longer, Dysport or Botox?

Comparing Dysport and Botox is not a direct apples to apples contrast but at a high-level and based upon the cosmetic injectables’ prescription guidelines, it does seem that Botox could potentially last longer.

According to the prescribing information provided by manufacturer, Galderma, the effects of Dysport typically last up to four months. This duration is based on clinical trials and studies conducted on various facial areas, including the treatment of glabellar lines, the frown lines between the eyebrows. 

The effects of Botox are reported to last approximately three to six months, according to the prescribing information from the manufacturer. Similar to Dysport, this duration is based on clinical trials and studies conducted on different treatment areas, including glabellar lines.

It’s important to note that individual responses and personal preference of these injectable treatments may vary, and some studies have suggested that the length of time these dermal fillers last has similar results between Dysport and Botox. Factors such as the units of Botox or unit of Dysport used, the treatment area, and an individual’s metabolism can all influence the duration of the effects.

To get more accurate and personalized information about the duration of effects, it is recommended to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon or a qualified dermatologist who can assess your specific aesthetic goals.

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How to Prepare for Botox and Filler Appointments

So you’re ready to get botox or fillers or maybe you’ve even scheduled your first appointment. It’s a big (and expensive) decision and it’s key to do the proper preparation before your appointment to ensure the best results.

Let me just warn you that while the results of dermal fillers like botox are amazing, it can be an expensive “habit” that is hard to stop doing. Once you’ve seen the results, it’s hard to go back to seeing those forehead and frown lines reappear after 3-4 months. You’ve been warned! Here are a few tips that will help you prepare for your first botox appointment or filler appointment.

Research Injectors

It’s always, always a good idea to do lots of research on injectors in your area before making an appointment for a consultation. Ideally, get recommendations from friends that have had great experiences. Yelp and Google Reviews are a few other platforms that could be helpful for finding a great injector. Also consider asking your dermatologist for a recommendation and they might even offer dermal filler services as well.

Some injectors might have expertise with certain cosmetic procedures and you’ll want to seek out a provider who is highly skilled at botox injections or your specific request. Most injectors should provide a free consultation for new patients where they can assess your individual needs, you can ask questions and get their recommendations. When making the appointment, be sure to let them know this is your first time getting the procedure you’re seeking. You should never feel pressured to move ahead with any cosmetic treatments until ready.

I have a plastic surgeon administer my botox and lip filler, but a RN, dermatologist or physician’s assistant with the right credentials and experience can be great injectors as well.

Spill and Get the Details From Your Injector

Once you’ve chosen your injector, they will likely review your medical history to ensure you are a good candidate for dermal filler injections. You’ll want to spill the beans on any and every prescription and supplement that you take and any medical conditions you have. They can then make recommendations on what you’ll need to pause, if needed, before and/or after your injections.

Be sure your injector will provide best practices and after care instructions of what to avoid and how to treat the areas injected. Typically this includes avoiding strenuous exercise, avoiding excessive sun exposure, not wearing hats and refraining from any downward head positions for the first 24 hours.

Do Your Research on Types of Fillers

Whether you’re looking to treat crow’s feet, forehead lines, frown lines or are interested in lip fillers, it is worth educating yourself on the different types of injectable dermal fillers that are available. While dermal fillers are extremely safe in the hands of a skilled injector, there is the potential for side effects that you should be aware of. You’ll also want to ensure you aren’t taking any medications or have a condition with a risk of possible side effects from dermal filler treatment.

Make a list of your questions as you read about the pros and cons of each filler and bring to your consultation to discuss with your injector. Your injector will likely have products that they prefer and see optimal results with and they will be able to see if you’re a good candidate for certain products.

Check Your Calendar

Be sure to check your calendar for any big events coming up. A good rule of thumb is to schedule the day of your botox or lip filler treatment at least two weeks out from any special event. This ensures that any bruising or swelling at the injection sites have passed. People typically see the full effects of botox about five to seven days after treatment.

Stop Recommended Supplements and Nonessential Medications

Consult with your injector on this, but many natural supplements and NSAIDs should be avoided up to two weeks before the day of your treatment. Many supplements such as fish oil, flax oil, gingko biloba, and st. john’s wort can have blood thinning effects that worsen bruising. Over the counter painkillers such as advil and aspirin can also thin the blood resulting in bruising after filler treatments. Check out my post on how to minimize bruising after botox here.

Lay Off the Wine

Again, consult with your physician on this, but drinking alcohol before and after injections can result in additional bruising due to the blood thinning effects that alcohol can have.

You’re Going to Love Your Results

Botox results after 5 days

I know I’ve laid out a lot here and hopefully it’s helpful. These are all things I wish I had known when walking into my first botox appointment. It’s a big decision and the most important tip is that you feel comfortable with your injector and that you can ask them anything at all. Less is definitely more when it comes to dermal fillers and finding an injector that practices this is really important.

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Xeomin vs Botox…Which is Better?

Xeomin vs. Botox: Which is better?

Over 3 million Botox injections are administered every year, making it the most common worldwide cosmetic procedure. Botox is wildly popular because it achieves fantastic results, smoothing the appearance of wrinkles including crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead lines.

In 2010, a competitor of Botox hit the market. Xeomin, also known as the “Naked Botox”, is a similar cosmetic injectable that has some key differences in its formulation compared to Botox.

Here we’ll compare the subtle differences between Botox and Xeomin so you can better educate yourself about what is the best option to achieve your aesthetic goals. As always, be sure to consult with your provider about your treatment options and what you are looking to achieve.

What is Botox and Xeomin?

Both Botox and Xeomin are injectable treatments made up of the neurotoxin botulinum toxin type A. This neurotoxin acts the same in both Botox and Xeomin to smooth the appearance of facial wrinkles by blocking the signals of nerves responsible for muscle contractions.

Botox, produced by drug manufacturer, Abbvie, achieved FDA approval in 2002 for the cosmetic treatment of frown lines in adults. It is the only FDA-approved product of its kind to treat forehead lines, frown lines and crow’s feet.

Xeomin is produced by German pharmaceutical company, Merz Pharma. It achieved FDA approval in 2010 for cosmetic use for specific treatment of frown lines, also referred to as “elevens” or glabellar lines.

While both of these cosmetic injectables are approved to treat specific areas of facial wrinkles, Botox is also approved to treat different conditions including excessive sweating, chronic migraines, and overactive bladder. Xeomin is approved to treat medical conditions such as excessive drooling and abnormal muscle spasms.

How Are Xeomin and Botox Different?

The major difference betweeen Xeomin and Botox, is how they are formulated and stored. Botox is formulated with added proteins that are thought to protect the botulinum molecules that make the toxin highly effective. These same proteins are thought to be the culprit contributing to antibody resistance that some Botox users have experienced. This antibody resistance results in experiencing less than full effects of Botox including shorter and less noticeable results. Because of Botox’s formulation it must also be refrigerated to maintain its potency.

Xeomin is formulated without accessory proteins hence its nickname the “Naked Botox”. Without these added proteins, Xeomin is thought to not run the risk of causing antibody resistance. This stance has yet to be determined through clinical testing. Xeomin is able to be stored safely at room temperature.

How Are Botox and Xeomin the Same?

A unit of Botox would typically translate to the same amount of units of Xeomin. Common side effects of Xeomin mirror those of Botox including dry eyes, headache, and swelling and redness at the injection site, among many others. The amount of time that Xeomin and Botox lasts has been shown to be the same, typically between three to six months depending upon the person and amount injected.

Is Xeomin Better Than Botox?

A common question is which one is better, Xeomin or Botox? This is really up to you and your practitioner to decide. This study from the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, found that these dermal fillers have similar results in efficacy. Xeomin is not cleared by the Food and Drug Administration to treat facial lines in the crow’s feet area so if this is an area you wish to treat, discuss your best options with your injector.

I personally have not yet tried Xeomin and have only used Botox to treat my facial wrinkles. I do plan to discuss it as an option to consider with my facial plastic surgeon that I have been seeing for the past three years for Botox injections. Have you tried Xeomin? If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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What Causes Wrinkles Under Eyes

What causes crow's feet and wrinkles under eyes
Undereye wrinkles and crow’s feet

I’m not sure when I first started noticing my crow’s feet and undereye wrinkles, but once I saw them, that’s all I could see in photos and when looking in the mirror. Have you been there? The truth is, those under-eye wrinkles didn’t just appear overnight but are the culmination of many different behaviors over the years along with genetics and the aging process.

Since I can’t change the past, I’ve learned what causes under eye wrinkles, preventative measures to take along with ways to improve and lessen their appearance. Let’s dive into what causes wrinkles in the under-eye area.

Sun Damage

The undereye and crow’s feet areas are typically the first places on the face where wrinkles appear. Due to the nature of the skin around the eye area, it is quicker to exhibit any skin damage that has occurred from excessive sun exposure.

If tanning beds were a part of your past or if you weren’t diligent about wearing sunscreen, hats and sunglasses, the damage wrought from the sun will begin to show first in the thin skin of the eye area.

Thinner Skin

The skin around the eyes can be up to 40% thinner than skin on the rest of the face. As we age and collagen and elastin production decline, this delicate skin can appear even thinner giving way to the appearance of dark circles and the appearance of fine lines.

Eye area skin has fewer oil glands than the rest of the face which can result in drier skin that can be more sensitive and less plump, lacking moisture. Due to the thinner nature of eye skin, it will develop and exhibit wrinkles sooner than the other parts of the face.

Repetitive Movements

Repetitive motions like smiling, squinting and rubbing the eyes all contribute to the formation of those pesky crow’s feet and undereye wrinkles. Day to day facial movements do form wrinkles in this sensitive area.

Wearing sunglasses or eyeglasses if needed can help limit squinting. Try to limit the rubbing of the eye area with your hands and use a very gentle cloth or cotton swab to cleanse the eye area. While I wouldn’t ever try to limit my facial expressions, dermal fillers can help limit some movement of muscles as a preventative measure.

Sleep Quantity and Quality

The eyes are not only the window to the soul but also to the quality and quantity of the sleep you’ve been getting. During sleep, collagen production takes place and increased blood flow aids in damage done by the UV rays of the sun and free radicals. 

Tired-looking eyes and under-eye bags are typically the results of lack of sleep. Making lifestyle changes that allow for more shut eye is one of the best ways to naturally reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes. Consider using a silk pillowcase or one of these anti-aging pillows to protect the thin skin around your eyes while you get that beauty sleep. 

Aging Process

As we age, our bodies produce less collagen resulting in thinner skin around the eyes, fine lines and deep wrinkles. It’s a natural part of growing older. Loss of collagen combined with years of combating free radical damage and sun exposure does result in wrinkles and is unavoidable to some degree.

Let’s take a look at some preventative measures to stave off additional skin damage and ways to improve the eye areas existing appearance. 

Get Rid of Undereye Wrinkles

Topical Retinol

Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that is the gold standard in treating fine lines and wrinkles. It can help stimulate collagen production while having a slight skin thickening effect which is ideal for the thin, aging under-eye and crow’s feet areas.

Retinol can be irritating to the sensitive eye area, so start slow with a gentler product and be sure to spot test. Here are a few of my favorite retinol eye area products that work well for combating wrinkles. 

Moisturize with Hyaluronic Acid

Moisturizing the eye area with products that contain hyaluronic acid is a great way to draw in and retain moisture to the under-eye area. These products will help make the area appear plumper and fuller, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

There’s really no need to buy a special eye cream as a facial moisturizer with the correct ingredients will work just fine. Here are a few fantastic, affordable products to consider adding to your skincare routine that are ideal for plumping while moisturizing. 

Sun Protection

Prevent further sun damage by applying sunscreen daily to the eye area. Look for a mineral based sunscreen that is formulated and marketed for babies as these tend to be less irritating if they get into the eye. I use Babo Botanicals Baby Mineral Sunscreen on both my eye area and face and have never had an issue with irritated eyes. 

In addition to daily sunscreen, wear sunglasses to minimize squinting and to also shield the eye area from damaging UV rays. Consider popping on a wide-brimmed hat whenever going for a walk or spending an extended period of time outdoors. 

Get Your Beauty Sleep

You already know you need ample sleep to stave off tired looking eyes and to let your body rejuvenate, turning over dead skin cells and producing collagen. Get more sleep and consider sleeping in a raised position exclusively on your back. Use an anti-aging pillow if needed. 

Botox is Your Best Friend

The most popular dermal filler for crow’s feet is Botox because it can make a huge improvement by temporarily reducing fine lines in this area. If you are struggling with puffy eyes or deep tear troughs, it’s best to consult with a board-certified dermatologist on how to treat your concerns to achieve the best outcome. I personally have my crow’s feet treated every 3-4 months with Botox and love the results. 

Laser Treatments

Lasers are one of the best ways to treat stubborn under-eye wrinkles that are not treatable with botox. A fractional laser does require some down time and a very skilled practitioner but the results can be long lasting. Ablative lasers greatly increase new collagen production resulting in a new layer of bright skin. 

My Under-eye Treatment Tips

Ultimately, I do try to minimize my undereye wrinkles with botox and keep the area moisturized. I do prevent additional damage with daily protection of the area and nightly over the counter retinol application. I do plan to also get fractional laser to the area at some point and will document that process in the future. In a way, I love the wrinkles as it means I’ve smiled a lot and that is never a bad thing! I’d love to hear what you are doing to treat these areas. Please share!

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The Best Anti-Aging Pillows For Back & Side Sleepers

Beauty sleep is indeed a real thing. Your body thrives with the regeneration and repair that occurs during those 7 to 9 hours of sleep. But during those glorious hours of (hopefully) peaceful sleep, our face and chest skin can begin to develop wrinkles due to some of the positions we get into.

How many times have you woken up with sleep lines running down the side of your face or creases in your chest area? A serious case of pillow face! Repeating that night after night for hours on end, does have a lasting impact on the wrinkles and fine lines that develop on our skin.

The answer is not less sleep as that would be counterproductive, but we can take steps to sleep in different positions that minimize wrinkle formation. Some helpful tools in this area are a few different types of pillows to rest your pretty head on. Here we’ll explore the best anti-aging pillow for your preferred sleep position that help minimize and even improve wrinkles while getting your zzz’s.

The Traditional Wedge Pillow

A wedge pillow can be used to alleviate both aesthetic and non-aesthetic issues. Because a wedge pillow raises the head, neck and shoulders above the rest of the body, fluid pooling in your face while you sleep is greatly reduced. This means minimized under eye bags and facial puffiness.

Using a wedge pillow typically requires a back sleeping position to be most comfortable. Sleeping on your back removes the risk of smooshing your face and chest against the pillow which helps reduce the formation of deep creases and sleep wrinkles on the face.

If you’re not a back sleeper, it will absolutely take some self training to get used to sleeping on your back. You can utilize a wedge pillow with a regular pillow on top combined with an anti-aging pillowcase that is silk or satin.

This is a great solution for back sleepers or those looking to sleep in this position. If you’re also concerned with facial puffiness and want the ability to use a special pillowcase, a wedge pillow is a great option to consider. If you are a die hard tummy or side sleeper, there are better options for you. Wedge pillows are also large making them inconvenient to store.

I personally sleep with a wedge pillow to reduce acid reflux symptoms during the night and have trained myself to sleep mostly on my back. I do use a traditional pillow on top of my wedge pillow.

The Your Face Pillow

If you’re committed to changing your sleep position to become a back sleeper, this pillow has a unique design that can help you make that transition. The Your Face Pillow has a spot for your head and soft side cradles that work to keep you from tummy or side sleeping. The head area provides ample neck support with supposed cooling technology to minimize sweating. The soft side supports are gentle on your face if you rest against them without causing friction and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

The pillow does come with the option of a silk pillowcase if you want the purported benefits that silk can bring to lessen damage to the hair and skin. The neck rest height is about 3.3 inches which won’t do much in preventing fluid pooling like a wedge pillow, but the side guards are better at preventing you from rolling into a different sleeping position. The pillow has over 4,800 4-star reviews on Amazon. I am tempted to try this pillow on top of my wedge pillow to get the benefits of both!

JuveRest Sleep Anti Wrinkle Pillow

The JuveRest Anti Aging Pillow is a bit similar than the Your Face Pillow, but supports side sleepers as well. This is probably one of the best anti wrinkle pillows for those that want to continue side sleeping but still protect the face from facial compression during long hours of sleep.

This pillow features a divot head cradle with very short side cradles. Its design has a spot to support the face and neck in side sleeping positions with a gap to allow for both air flow and limiting pillow contact and the formation of wrinkles. It has special areas cut out for the shoulders and neck making it a favorite pillow for those suffering from neck pain or shoulder pain.

The Nurse Jamie Beauty Bear Pillow

The Nurse Jamie Beauty Pillow is a supposed favorite amongst the celebrity crowd. It’s a smaller size than the aforementioned pillows but has a similar design as the JuveRest pillow, supporting both back and side sleepers. At its core, it is a memory foam pillow with a cut out for the head and gentle side support.

For side sleepers, there is a cutout that minimizes pillow pressure on the face. Both its smaller size and option for a silk pillowcase cover make it an attractive portable option for long flights and travel.

The Glow Pillow

The Glow Pillow brand features two particular pillows, one for side sleepers and one for back sleepers. They also offer a range of different pillowcases made from natural fibers such as eucalyptus or a luxurious mulberry silk pillowcase.

The Omnia pillow is designed with the side or back sleeper in mind, featuring a gap that cradles side sleepers heads to protect the face from developing facial wrinkles.

The Aula pillow is designed for the back sleeper and includes soft side guards to hold the head in place while remaining comfortable. Both pillows are adjustable in height up to almost four inches which helps minimize facial puffiness by keeping the head elevated. These are pretty pricey pillow options, but they do offer a 30 night sleep trial guarantee.

The EnVy Pillow

The EnVy Pillow is a wrinkle prevention pillow that boasts being the only eco-friendly, sustainably produced pillow. They have a large line of different pillows all made with the highest quality, organic, natural latex.

Their Silk Covered + Copper Powered Natural Latex Anti-Aging Pillow is definitely on the pricey side, but there is scientific evidence that copper oxide infused pillows can actually improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The overall pillow design is supportive for both back and side sleepers, not smooshing the face while still providing needed support.

Intimia Breast Pillow

The Intimia Breast Pillow is a unique contraption to minimize the formation of chest wrinkles that are so common for side sleepers. This oddly shaped pillow sits in the middle of your chest between the breasts and is attached with back straps. Some users don’t wear the back straps as they can be a bit uncomfortable and instead wedge the pillow in a sports bra.

If you’re a back sleeper this is not something you’ll need to worry about, but if you get restful sleep on your side and aren’t looking to switch positions, this pillow is a great way to prevent cleavage and chest wrinkles. This is also a much cheaper alternative to the silicone patches that serve a similar purpose but ultimately are disposable after a few uses.

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that a good nights rest is the number one thing you can do to protect your skin. If you’re not comfortable and getting enough sleep, no pillow will be able to save your skin. Add in a daily sunscreen, retinol, healthy diet and exercise and you are on your way to glowing skin. Adding in the wrinkle prevention benefits of an anti-aging pillow is icing on the cake after doing these other vital anti-aging tips. Try out the pillow that is best for your sleep position and goals today. Sweet dreams!

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The BEST Ordinary Products for Anti-Aging

If you’ve never heard of the brand The Ordinary, you’re missing out on a brand that has truly disrupted the beauty industry within the past few years. The Ordinary products are truly no frills, featuring functional ingredients that target specific skin concerns and skin types including several anti-aging products. Their products are set at very affordable prices especially when comparing ingredient lists to some status lines of skincare products. 

The Ordinary has a phenomenal line of affordable anti-aging products that can be used as a complete anti-aging regimen or just as additions to enhance your existing anti-aging skincare routine.

Let’s look at some of the best products The Ordinary has to offer to treat common signs of aging including uneven skin tone, fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, hyperpigmentation and dry skin. 

Keep It Simple: The No Brainer Set

If you want a no nonsense yet effective anti-aging routine, then the No Brainer Set is right up your alley. This three-piece set clocks in around thirty bucks and is comprised of a daily moisturizer, a peptide and amino acid rich serum and a retinol. Here’s a bit more about each product that comes in the set and in what order to apply them.

The Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA Moisturizer serves as a daily moisturizer that you can use day and/or at night. It contains skin barrier protecting and renewing key ingredients such as urea, ceramides, fatty acids and glycerin. It also packs a hydrating punch with hyaluronic acid which helps the skin retain moisture, a must for more mature skin in achieving a more youthful appearance. Apply this moisturizer after any serums and under any sunscreen that you’ll be applying. 

The Ordinary Buffet is a powerhouse of peptides, postbiotics and amino acids. These ingredients are scientifically proven to fight the appearance of fine lines and effects of aging by repairing and restructuring the damaged skin. This multi-peptide serum can be applied after washing your face in the A.M. or P.M.

The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion is a derivative of vitamin A and is one of the most effective ways to combat aging. Retinoids speed up the cell turnover, helping cells divide faster and create new skins cells too. These new skin cells reveal a more even skin texture and brighter complexion. Retinoids have been shown to also boost the production of collagen and helps to shrink large pores. 

While some forms of retinoids can cause skin irritation, this 2% emulsion seems to be very well tolerated, yielding a more youthful complexion with consistent, long-term use. 

All About Anti-Aging Acids

If you’re looking to add some enhancements to your routine, The Ordinary skincare products run the gambit including a wide array of alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids. The Ordinary’s array of acids come in a variety of choices and concentrations.

If you’re not sure what type of AHA or BHA is best for you, check out my post on the best acids for anti-aging which can be a good guide to start with. The Ordinary does recommend not using more than three acids in your skin care rotation and gradually introduce each one to see how your skin fares. 

Ordinary Azelaic Acid

This is a great option for those that want to fight signs of aging but are also battling with redness or rosacea. Not only does it have properties that specifically target inflammation, but it also helps inhibit melanin production thus lessening the appearance of dark spots. 

Ordinary Lactic Acid

Lactic Acid is the perfect choice for an effective exfoliant that is not as irritating as other AHAs can be. The Ordinary offers both a 5% and 10% concentration so one can graduate to the higher percentage once the skin has acclimated. Check out my post here about all of the fantastic benefits of lactic acid. This is one of my absolute favorite products and AHAs to use in my own anti-aging battle. 

The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Products

Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toner

Peeling Solution (aka vampire facial)

Glycolic acid is considered one of the most effective AHA’s as its small molecules allow for penetration through the skin layers. It is an exceptional exfoliant, sloughing away dead skin cells and brighting age spots. The Ordinary AHA & BHA Peeling Solution is very strong and effective, but it’s best to do a patch test before applying to the entire face. I’d recommend leaving this on for half the recommended time to see how your skin feels. 

The Ordinary Salicylic Acid Masque

Salicylic Acid is part of the BHA family of acids and is extremely effective at both reducing excess oil and clearing out clogged pores, while still combating the aging process. It’s a perfect option for more oily skin types that still want anti-aging properties in an acid. 

Vitamin C Serum

Ethylated Ascorbic Acid 15% Solution

A Vitamin C serum can be a powerful tool to fighting off free radical damage which manifests itself in fine lines, dark spots and uneven, dull skin tone. Vitamin C (aka l-ascorbic acid) is one of the most powerful antioxidants in our arsenal to correct and prevent this damage. The key is to utilize a formulation of Vitamin C that is stable and effective in delivering these benefits to the skin. The Ordinary has you covered in that front with their Ethylated Ascorbic Acid 15% Solution

Bonus Anti-Aging Products

The Ordinary Rose Hip Seed Oil

Rose Hip Seed Oil is another great product to literally layer into your anti-aging skincare routine. It contains both vitamin a and vitamin c and is rich in the fatty acid, linolenic acid, all of which work against dark spots and provide more moisture to the skin. If you’re looking for an effective, organic anti-aging product for under ten bucks that gives off a nice, dewy glow, consider the Ordinary Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Oil

The Ordinary Niacinamide

Niacinamide is another great product to reduce redness but is typically used for irritation caused by skin blemishes. It ultimately works to reduce redness, calm the skin and smooth the skin tone. Another great consideration if you’re battling blemishes and want to stave off the signs of getting older. Be aware to not apply this with a Vitamin C serum. They should be applied at alternate times of day as the niacinamide could inhibit the effects of the Vitamin C serum. 

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Why Does Botox Take 5 Days To Work?

Getting botox injections for facial wrinkles for the very first time? Experienced getting botox but wanting to understand how it works? One common question around botox treatment is why it can take up to five days to see results. Besides some raised bumps and minor bruising, why aren’t immediate results seen after leaving the injector’s office?

Depending upon the specific treated area and how much botox is used, it could take between 3 to 7 days to see noticeable results. That’s why it’s always a good idea to schedule your treatment at least 7 days out from any special occasion.

Let’s take a deep dive into the why behind this 3 to 7 day window and a few tactics that could speed up this timeline. As always, vet any and all tactics by your medical professional or plastic surgeon to get their opinion. Feel free to share some of the linked research studies with them.

Let’s Look At How Botox Works

To understand why it takes a few days for the effects of botox to kick in, we’ll want to take a look at the mechanism behind how botox works in the first place. Bacterium clostridium botulinum is the toxin used to product botox. Yes, it’s a toxin and yes, it’s the same toxin that causes botulism, but rest assured botox has been heavily researched and tested and cleared by the federal drug administration.

Once botox is injected via a very thin needle under the skin and into the muscle, it travels to the nerve cells of the muscle and blocks the neurotransmitters that help to fire muscle contraction and movement. This blockage of the neurotransmitters results in temporary paralysis of the treatment areas and the lessening of dynamic facial lines. This typically translates into a more youthful appearance.

Yeah But Why the 5 Day Delay?

Now that we understand at a very high level how botox works, let’s explore why it takes almost a week for botox to reach its full effect in minimizing fine lines and deep wrinkles. As botox enters into the injected muscle, ideally the injection site is as close as possible to the muscle endplate. The muscle endplate is the part of the muscle where the acetylcholine receptors sit waiting for the release of acetylcholine to trigger cells to contract the muscle.

The closer botox is injected to the muscle endplate, the less distance botox needs to travel to begin its work of blocking those neurotransmitters to limit muscle movement. Muscle endplate’s locations vary for each muscle so having a very skilled and knowledgeable injector is key to getting the best results. How far the botox has to migrate to the muscle endplate could affect how long botox takes to work.

Another factor that determines how quickly botox results are seen is how much botox is being used. This study outlines that larger doses of botox could result in seeing faster effects than small doses. It’s best to defer to your medical professional on what is the proper dose of botox to meet your cosmetic goals.

Tips That Could Speed Up Botox Results

  • Don’t Ice The Treated Area: The speed at which botox binds at the cellular level is also temperature dependent and is best regulated by the body’s homeostasis. Icing the area directly after cosmetic treatment could have an adverse effect on botox uptake, slowing overall results. If you have been icing after botox to reduce bruising, check out this article on tips to reduce bruising that don’t depend on icing the area.
  • Facial Movement Directly After Injections: This is definitely one to discuss with your injector, but this study does suggest that performing muscle contractions right after injection could have a positive effect in botox uptake as well. According to the study, any benefit wanes after an hour after the time of your injections.

Ultimately, don’t be discouraged that your botox is taking up to a week to take full effect. It’s completely normal and part of the process. This is why it’s so important to plan your procedure strategically around any special events. Hope you found this helpful and would love to hear about your experience with how long your botox takes to kick into gear and how long the results last for you. Tried zinc supplements? Seen any improvement in the longevity of your botox? Would love to hear!

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Benefits of Botox

In 2019, U.S. medical professionals performed almost 7.7 million botox injections. Year over year, the usage and popularity of botox continue to grow at an exponential rate. Out of minimally invasive procedures, it is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the United States today. 

As women from all age groups are increasingly turning to botox to address their cosmetic concerns you might be wondering if botox is right for you.

Because this is a very personal decision, you want to be as informed as possible before taking that step. Here you’ll discover everything you need to know about the numerous benefits of botox injections to help you decide what is the right treatment for your needs and goals.

What Is Botox?

Botox is actually the name trademarked by Allergan, its manufacturer. The scientific name for what makes up the active ingredient of botox is botulinum toxin type A. This is a toxin made by clostridium botulinum, the bacteria attributed to the food borne illness, botulism. 

So how can something that can cause botulism really be safe to inject into your body? Due to the very small doses used in botox cosmetic injections, it is proven to be safe for a variety of cosmetic and medical treatments. 

How Does Botox Work?

Once Botox is injected into the neuromuscular tissue, it obstructs nerve signals, causing temporary paralysis of those targeted facial muscles. Normally when a muscle contracts, a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine is released, directing muscle cells how to move. 

Botox halts the release of acetylcholine, preventing muscle contraction. These weakened muscles can no longer contract, resulting in a more youthful appearance and the reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

How Long Does It Take For Botox To Work

You can begin to see the full results of botox working as soon as three to four days after your injections. Better results are seen after two weeks as the affected area shows less signs of aging and an overall smoother. Directly after your Botox injections, you’ll want to avoid heavy exercise and wearing anything constrictive such as a hat over the treated area. It is advised to keep the head level for several hours following treatment so no downward dog poses! Always consult with your medical provider for specific directions following your treatment.

What Can Botox Treat?

Over the past twenty years, botox has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration  for both cosmetic use and medical uses. Botox has a myriad of cosmetic uses to help you address your unique concerns from reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles to the treatment of chronic migraines.

Forehead and Glabella

The glabella is the area above your nose, between your eyes. Perhaps you’ve heard of the “11’s”, those pesky deep creases that start to appear with a furrowed brow, frown, or squint. Botox injections can be used to soften these parallel lines and smooth their appearance. 

The forehead is a wide area making lines and wrinkles highly visible. Botox injected in this area will reduce the appearance of forehead lines leaving the treatment area looking smoother, brighter, and rejuvenated.

Crow’s Feet 

Smiling, squinting, and laughing are all parts of daily life but these cause the formation of tiny lines on the sides of the eyes called crow’s feet.

Botox can be used to smooth and reduce the appearance of these fine lines surrounding the sides of your eyes. Botox does not typically fully remove these lines, but can minimize their intensity.


Many suffer from grinding their teeth while sleeping. This can cause headaches, jaw pain, and even a widening of the jaw over time. By injecting botox around this area, jaw muscles are immobilized to prevent unintentional teeth grinding. It’s best to consult with a dental professional to see if you are a good candidate for this type of botox treatment.

Gravity can begin to take its toll on the jowls and jawline. Botox injections in this area can be used to create a more defined, slimmer, and lifted jaw profile. 


Botox is an amazing option to achieve subtle changes to your nose without the cost and downtime of invasive rhinoplasty. Botox injections can reduce wrinkles on the upper part of the nose that often appear when laughing or smiling. Botox can also be used to slim the nose or lift the tip if it is facing downward all without surgery. 

Neck and Decolletage

Deep wrinkles can begin to appear in the neck and décolletage regardless of age due to factors like genetics and sun exposure. Injecting botox into these areas eases the appearance of these deep lines, restoring confidence and youthfulness. 

Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating also known as Hyperhidrosis can be an uncomfortable and frustrating condition. The FDA has approved botox for use in the underarm area to treat this condition. 

Just as botox immobilizes nerve receptors responsible for muscle contractions in the face, it can also disable the receptors signaling the sweat glands to sweat. 


Acne affects over 50 million Americans each year. Botox injections can effectively treat acne by reducing oil production in the skin. Consult with a medical professional to determine the best, comprehensive treatment for your skin and acne. 

How Long Does Botox Last?

You’ve invested in Botox and are loving the results, but how long can you expect these results to last? 

Just as botox injections aren’t a one-size-fits all approach, the length of Botox results will vary for each individual.

Botox is temporary and as such typically lasts between three to four months. Some have reported results waning after only two months while some see the effects of botox for up to six months. 

Those that are very physically active might experience faster deterioration of Botox. Their bodies often have more rapid metabolisms, removing the botox from their systems at a faster rate. 

It is best to consult with a medical expert concerning the length of your results as they can advise each individual how to achieve the best results. 

Should I Get Botox?

Botox is an amazing, accessible treatment to achieve a variety of cosmetic results. Not only does it reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but also works to prevent them from forming. 

The decision to get Botox is highly personal. It is best to meet with a medical professional who can advise you and tailor a treatment to address your specific concerns and goals. 

Beauty & Hair

8 Things To Avoid After Botox

There can be confusing and conflicting information out there about what you should and shouldn’t do after botox. You’re paying good money for those injections and you want it to not only look amazing but for the results to last as long as possible. To ensure the longevity and look of your botox, there are a few things to temporarily avoid after being treated in the forehead and crow’s feet areas. Of course, you should always follow your medical provider’s instructions as they are able to best advise on your specific needs and case.

What to Avoid After Botox Injections

  1. Avoid Intense Exercise

Can you workout after botox? The answer is maybe and really depends upon the intensity and motions you’ll be doing. Ideally, plan to do your workout before your botox appointment or take a rest day. If you’re really craving a workout, consider a long walk or some time on the stair stepper. If you’re working up a sweat, you’ll want to wipe the face which is a motion to avoid after receiving injections.

Yoga, pilates and similar workouts can require putting the head into downward positions which could cause a disruption in the filler settling. For the first 24 hours after botox, avoid any exercise that puts the head in a downward position or requires laying the face against an object or the floor.

2. Avoid Positions Where Head is Not Elevated

Taking a nap, getting a massage, or taking a yoga class are all delightful ways to take care of yourself, but you’ll want to put these off for the first few hours after your botox injections. The botox is still settling into the intended areas and by being upside down or smooshing your face in a pillow for an impromptu nap, you run the risk of displacing the settling botox.

3. Avoid Icing the Area

This seems counterintuitive as one would think icing the area would help reduce bruising, but there’s a few reasons to avoid applying ice to the injection sites. The pressure of the ice applied to the area could displace the botox from where it was intended. It is also not advised to expose yourself to extreme cold as this could impact the longevity of your botox. Exposure to extreme temperatures after receiving botox has been shown to reduce its efficacy.

4. Avoid Rubbing the Area or Applying Pressure

For the first 5 to 15 minutes after receiving botox, the injection sites will look like little mosquito bites. Don’t push on these bumps or apply facial massage. Rest assured the tiny bumps will dissipate after 10 to 15 minutes. Don’t wear anything tight fitting such as hats or bandanas that apply pressure to the forehead area. If you do need to touch the area for any reason, use gentle pats of the fingers and ensure your fingertips are clean to avoid any irritation to the injection site.

If you’ve got a facial on the calendar, ensure you do this before a botox appointment and not after. Most facials involve some form of facial massage which can displace the filler directly after injection. Strong exfoliants often used in facials could also irritate the tiny injection sites so best to either do before or a few days after your botox treatment.

5. Avoid Applying Makeup

Directly after receiving botox, you’ll have minuscule open wounds at each injection site where the very tiny, sharp needle was inserted. It’s best to let the skin close up these tiny wounds before applying makeup to the area. If you do apply makeup, ensure your fingers are clean and you use very gentle patting motions, avoiding any rubbing. I have done many a lunchtime botox appointment and reapplied makeup about ten minutes after being injected without any issue.

6. Avoid Alcohol

You might be tempted to pour a big glass of wine and relax now that you’ve made it through your botox appointment. Alcohol can actually thin the blood leading to an increase in bruising. With an experienced injector, bruising is usually minimal, but does still occur and it’s best to take all the steps possible to reduce its likelihood.

7. Avoid Extreme Heat or Cold

After getting botox you’ll want to avoid hitting the sauna, the jacuzzi or exposing yourself to extremely cold temperatures. After botox is not the time for an ice bath or cold dip in the ocean.

8. Avoid Ibuprofen or Aspirin

If you’ve got a headache or need to alleviate some pain, reach for Tylenol rather than pain reducers that result in thinning the blood such as ibuprofen. Because of their blood thinning effect, meds such as ibuprofen or aspirin can increase bruising which you’re trying to minimize after receiving botox.